Partition coefficients for commonly used volatile anaesthetics.
anaesthetic = c("nitrous-oxide", "diethyl-ether", "halothane")
a named numeric
with partition coefficients for
lung, vrg (vessel rich group, visceral: brain, heart, kidney, ...),
mus (muscle, lean tissue: muscle, skin, subcutaneous tissue, ...),
and fat (fat, fatty tissue: yellow marrow, fat) for the given anaesthetic.
Table 2 in Cowles, A. L., Borgstedt, H. H., & Gillies, A. J. (1973). A simplified digital method for predicting anesthetic uptake and distribution. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 3(4), 385-395. doi:10.1016/0010-4825(73)90004-8
#> lung vrg mus fat
#> 0.463 0.463 0.463 1.030